in Picture Book, Educational Book, Childcare Book, and Newspapers.

Is it real? Yes. It's real in Japan.

We, Japanese men, are suffering Sexual Harassment from women in public.

Many Japanese women express the sexual organs of a boy in general publications. It is the only boy's one by illustrations, photos, and vulgar words.


Picture books

Potty for boys Book 01 Potty for boys Book 02

This Jananese word,"ochinchin" means "cock". (Sorry.)

That sentence says "♫ Bow your cock". (So ugly.)

That Japanese word is vulgar and also have sexual meanings. It is generally used when men and women have sex.
Such a word, many Japanese women use it to a child and in general publications.

Such absurd picture book has been sold for child in Japan generally. What a shame.

See unretouched versionClick


Potty for girls Book This book has another version, "Potty for girls". There is never expressed girl's genitalia. NEVER.


This is a child education book. This chapter describes excrete education for a child.

Benesse Book p1 Benesse Book p1 UP

Benesse Book p2 Benesse Book p3

Benesse Book p4

Benesse Book p5

Once they wore underpants after pee and poop … .

In spite of that, she, female author let them strip off their underpants intensionally.

Benesse Book p6 Benesse Book p7

'Underpants man' said "You done well. For the prize, I'll give you new underpants anything you want." The boys who have exposed their penis were glad to it. … What a shame.


I love bathing book The boy's penis has been printed on the coverpage.


Childcare education books

I love bathing book

In the world of childcare education of Japan, boy, or man are completely despised from women.

General childcare education book or magazines that they have so many illustrations, photos, and vulgar words of penis.

Also this book is the same. A vulgar word of penis, that is, "cock" has been printed on the coverpage.

And there are not only illustrations but also so many photos of a baby boy's penis in close-up.


Almost Japanese childcare education books and magazines by women have so many expressions of a boy child's penis.

Watch thisClick


Everyone. Isn't this a boy child porn?

The following articles are all in childcare education books or magazines by women.

These include so many expressions of the boy child's penis. Filthy and discriminatory. All I wanted to say, about a child one.

( By the way, the expression of girl's genitalia is NOTHING absolutely. )


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